Meet your Medical Provider
Board Certified Physician Associate
Verdigris Valley Family Medicine offers all ages family medical care. In addition, our clinic see’s many patients needing care for Weight Management, Aesthetics, Sports Medicine and also Women and Men’s Hormone Replacement Therapy! We accept most major insurances and also provide convenient and affordable self-pay pricing. Our clinic promotes transparency and prioritizes our patients first. We pride ourselves in staying true to our rural community and practicing traditional quality medicine! Wether you are looking for an evidence-based medical practice, or are interested in a functional integrated approach, we have you covered. Come visit us today!
Meet our Team
Our highly trained staff is dedicated to making sure you receive the best care possible. We go the extra mile to make sure your visit with us is timely, efficient, and an enjoyable experience. We are always available to answer questions about scheduling, billing, or any other needs you may have. We look forward to serving you!


Medical Weight Managment
Lasting and effective weight management is now possible. Give your body the boost it needs to lose that stubborn body fat, gain healthy weight or improve body composition
Get your healthcare needs met from the comfort of your home or office.
All Ages Primary Care
We take most insurances and also offer monthly memberships & affordable cash prices.

Hormone Replacement Therapy
Carefully curated plans for men and women.
Sports Medicine
For those who maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
Neurotoxins & Facial Fillers
Look your best with quick and easy office visits. For a wide variety of aesthetic services.
Clinic Contact Info
25965 South HWY 66 Suite B Claremore, Ok 74019